On To More...

Thank you to all of our followers, we have recently moved to a new format that allows for some changes. To kick this off we are hosting a give away. Come check out our new blog dbjblog.com

DBJ Monthly Membership

DBJ Yearly Membership


Tiffany said...

Are you going to include some marketing materials this time around too or no?

Design by Jenn said...

I will be making some marketing that are made-to-match but they won't be included in the membership files. You'll get 50% off anything that I sell in addition to the membership templates :) I asked around and new marketing every month was a little bit overkill. I didn't want to overcomplicated it this time. Before it was every three months, books were on alternating months ... it just got confusing for some to know when to expect certain products. Thanks for asking!
Take care, Jenn